Thursday, March 23, 2023

What is gematria?

gematria is an ancient system that associates numerical values to letters, words and phrases. The practice has been widespread for centuries, particularly in Jewish and Islamic cultures, where it is used within religious texts as a spiritual tool for interpretation. By assigning relevance and meaning to numbers, gematria has become esteemed as an effective method of textual analysis that can be used to explore the past and gain insight into the present.

Gematria works by associating each letter of the alphabet with a numerical equivalent. Letters are typically placed in order of their numerical value, so A = 1, B = 2 and so on until Z = 26. Gematric calculations can then be performed by taking two separate phrases or words and adding up the total letter-to-number values to compare them. This means that any two phrases with the same value will have some form of spiritual or symbolic connection.

For example, in Jewish Kabbalistic texts, a popular phrase "The Lord shall make me abundantly prosperous" (תְּהִילָה ה') has a gematric value of 161 (according to its Hebrew roots). This number carries special importance as it also corresponds with the Messiah's name "Yahshua" which equates to 160 when translated - leading many spiritual readers to believe that this phrase is connected to Jesus Christ's ministry of salvation.

Such research is just one way to explore how gematria can be applied; its possibilities remain vast due to its flexibility in analyzing text from any language or culture using different alphabets or writing systems worldwide. It has been used by believers in other faiths such as shamanism, astrology, Buddhism and Hinduism who take the practice further by exploring numerology within their respective faiths too.

In recent years, Western culture has become increasingly exposed to gematrica thanks to books and online resources which promote probing into sacred texts as a form of self-study for spiritual growth - although some people also use gematric formulas simply out of curiosity towards numbers and their potential meanings!

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